Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back to Old School

Batman : The Brave and The Bold, is the latest interpretation of the classic Batman franchise, our caped crusader is teamed up with heroes from across the DC Universe, delivering nonstop action and adventure with a touch of comic relief. Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Aquaman and countless others will get a chance to uphold justice alongside Batman. Though still based in Gotham, Batman will frequently find himself outside city limits, facing situations that are both unfamiliar and exhilarating. With formidable foes around every corner, Batman will still rely on his stealth, resourcefulness and limitless supply of cool gadgets to bring justice home.

"The Brave and The Bold" is going to take a more light-hearted action oriented angle on the super hero genre. It'll focus more on high adventure mixed with a sense of humor than has been the trend lately in super hero films and television shows. They will be showing a different sides of Batman's character when he's dealing with a different hero every week. So there are lots of new gadgets, new takes on villains and heroes - with a healthy dose of fun.

So stay tune...

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