Saturday, January 24, 2009
Must See Hulk Vs....

Must see these two new releases by Marvel Animated Studios, The Incredible Hulk goes into a series of two different storyline, where the Hulk first faces off the hard cold adamantium steel of the Wolverine's claws, and then followed by a might war that that took place in Asgard, where the Hulk goes toe to toe with The might God of Thunder himself, Thor. Check out these clips and start searching for them online, purchase one today for a great entertainment. So no matter in which order you watch, It's really is awesome!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
World War Hulk

World War Hulk Storyline would probably one of the most important story arcs for the mean green smashing machine, The Incredible Hulk. Trapped on the violent planet Sakaar by the Illuminati, Hulk has finally found peace. After the events of the Planet Hulk storyline Hulk has defeated the Red King, become a king and a savior to a world full of aliens, liberated the spikes, and found a wife and family in Caiera and their unborn child. For the first time in his life Hulk is happy, and they should have left him happy.
Everything Hulk has worked so hard to build comes crashing down around him when the ship that brought him to Sakaar is investigated. The Sakaar people did not care about Hulk's origin, or that he was there because the Illuminati of earth saw fit to banish Hulk, they cared only about Hulk's actions since coming to Sakaar. The Sakaar people made the ship into a shrine celebrating Hulk's arrival and their subsequent liberation . When Hulk and Caiera are brought to view this Shrine, the ship begins to emit overload warnings. Angered once again at those who sent him there, Hulk grabs the ship and hurls it into the sky. Hulk's actions did not matter as the ship exploded before leaving the planet's atmosphere, destroying virtually all life on the planet including Caiera. Hulk is left alone and hurt, king of a now broken and desolate planet that threatens to take Hulk as well. Hulk's Warbound are all that survives the destruction of Sakaar, and with a robot that can navigate most of the known universe Hulk, Korg, Miek, Broodspawn, Elloe, and Hiroim forge weapons and plot a course to Earth to seek revenge on those that destroyed their paradise.
On the way back to Earth the true nature of Hulk's rage begins to frighten his allies. When a group of alien parasites sweeps over the ship intending to take it for themselves, Hulk loses control to his anger. Hulk tears through the invading aliens not even seeing them, but instead seeing only the faces of those that sent him away. Wanting to help their comrade, No-name and Korg exited the ship to assist Hulk. Still seeing the faces of the Illuminati in everyone around him Hulk nearly kills two of his closest allies. Concerned for the Hulk as well as their own safety, Hiroim teaches Hulk to meditate, helping him to control and direct his anger while still keeping in control of his rage. Hulk works with Hiroim to develop a plan of action. Using Hulk's knowledge of his enemies strengths and weaknesses, Hiroim is able to come up with a plan of attack, starting with taking out their most powerful enemy, Black Bolt the king of the Inhumans.
Meanwhile, back on Earth She-Hulk has been depowered. After she learned about what the Illuminati did by sending her cousin into space, she punched out Iron Man, the director of SHIELD. Also, feeling that he owes Hulk a debt for saving his life, Amadeus Cho is working to assemble a group of Hulk's most powerful allies to support Hulk upon his return.
Hulk arrives first on the Earth's Moon, facing off against Black Bolt and Medusa of the Inhumans. Hulk is warned that a single whisper on the lips of Black Bolt can destroy Hulk. Attacking the King, Hulk is hurled backward by the power of Black Bolt's whisper. Enraged, the Hulk attacks again telling Black Bolt that Hulk didn't come for a whisper and wants to hear him scream. He projects an image of himself in New York City, and talks about the bad that Dr. Strange, Iron Man, Black Bolt, and Mr. Fantastic have done to him. He urges that Manhattan be evacuated, or, as he holds up a mauled Black Bolt, "I will do THIS to your whole puny planet." Shortly afterwards, New York's heroes are seen evacuating Manhattan, to the public's disapproval. Iron Man offered complete freedom to any unregistered hero who would register, and also fight on the side of Earth, against Hulk.
Iron Man dons his "Hulkbuster" Suit, in hopes of defeating Hulk. As the fight rages on, Iron Man, in a monologue, takes full responsibility for the incident, and explains that he knew that this day would come, as soon as he heard news that Hulk had not reached his destination. As they are battling, Iron Man injects nanobots into Hulk's bloodstream. This was supposed to slow him down, but hasn't seemed to take effect yet. After much fighting in the now empty Manhattan, Iron Man seems to have defeated Hulk. But, after a flashback of the death of his wife, Caiera, he only becomes angrier. He bursts from the crater his body had created, and dominates Iron Man.
Next, he sets his eyes on Reed Richards. All of the Fantastic Four comes to his aid including its temporary members Black Panther and Storm. After the ensuing battle in which the Fantastic Four is defeated Reed escapes to find Sentry, one of Hulks best friends. Sentry recalled his last visit with the Hulk when he was battling the Void and decides not to go. With this news Reed tries to create the illusion that Sentry is appearing in an effort to quell the Hulks rage. This does not work.

After defeating the Fantastic Four the Hulk sets out to kill Doctor Strange. Strange unleashes the power of the Sorceror Supreme only to be defeated by the Hulk. Strange then fuses with the demon Zom replacing his shattered hands with battle axes. Somehow the Hulk still managed to defeat Dr. Strange.
Hulk and the Warbound then decide to build a coliseum. In it Hulk has the super hero Mister Fantastic fight Tony without his armor using control units from Sakaar. Eventually Reed defeats Tony and ordered to kill him but before anything can happens Hulk stops the telling them he came for "justice not murder". Hulk also tells them of his plan to destroy New York with no one in it and to leave the Illuminati in defeat. Then before this destruction the Sentry finally makes a appearance. They battle for a very long time and in the end the two lead to a stalemate, with both reverting to human forms as Banner weakly throws the last punch leaving Reynolds to collapse before him. Miek one of Hulks friends admits to betrayal to the Hulk; as Miek and the Red King was responsible for the destruction. Miek then strikes at banner but accidentally stabs Rick Jones, which cause Banner to revert to the Hulk, as Hulk and No-Name kill Miek in retaliation. As the Hulk gets mad and mad over Miek's betrayal, Hulk's rage causes him to loose control and the Hulks energy becomes a threat to the Earth. In defense Iron Man then activates a series of satellite anti-gamma lasers which fire and finally ends the Hulk's prolonged rampage. Leading to the arrest of Bruce Banner. Now (Banner) locked up three miles inside the Earths crust inside a Shield prison lies in a coma-like state. As then Skaar, son of Hulk, rises from the destruction of Sakaar. What happens now awaits to be seen.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Will the Black Widow make an appearance?

There were numerous rumour has it that actress Emily Blunt is in talks to play the sizzling assasin shield agent, Natasha Romanoff in Iron Man 2. Romanoff is a Soviet super spy who goes by the name Black Widow, a beauty in a skintight black costume that is enhanced by high-tech weaponry.
She would join the previously-announced villains Mickey Rourke and Sam Rockwell in the sequel. Jon Favreau will be back to direct Iron Man 2, the Marvel Studios film sees the return of Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow, while Don Cheadle is replacing Terrence Howard.

Blunt's credits include The Devil Wears Prada, The Jane Austen Book Club and Charlie Wilson's War. She also stars in The Wolfman, coming to theaters in November. The Justin Theroux-scripted Iron Man 2 will begin production this spring for a release by Paramount on May 7, 2010.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Heath Ledger Wins the Golden Globe
Im sure everybody's heard about this, but we here at The House of El would like to pay our deepest respect to the man that changed this character's role to a more darker side, and dazzled us all with sheer goosebumps and awe whenever we saw the movie Batman : The Dark Knight last summer. His performance is without a doubt possibly the best portrayal of The Joker by far, it's was sheer genuis on how he perfected the Joker's role, it was nerve wrecking art, it was at the same time entertaining, no one gets better than the late Mr. Ledger himself.
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association just announced that Heath Ledger has won the Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture! The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan accepted the award on behalf of Heath after a brief clip from the film was shown.
Marvel Legends Wave 1

The popular Marvel Legends action figure line that bring the greatest character of Marvel Comics to life as deluxe and highly-detailed action figures are now even bigger, at a full 12-inches tall, in the Marvel Legends: Icons action figure series is back! These classic action figures have been "blown up" to gargantuan proportions, with each figure featuring the same top-notch articulation and decoration collectors have come to expect from the regular series.
This series offers Colossus, Nightcrawler, Daredevil (Red), or Dark Phoenix, and each figure comes with accessories taken directly from the comics. Window box packaging. It sure would suit those 12" Inch collectors who has been collecting since the old Marvel Icons with the like of Captain America, Wolverine, Beast, Spider-Man, Venom, Thor, Hulk & Iron Man, Just make sure you got plenty of room.
Price for these sweet looking figures are going for around US107.96 (Estimated around BND159.78) Shipping and available date is on this 2nd Quarter of 2009.
This series offers Colossus, Nightcrawler, Daredevil (Red), or Dark Phoenix, and each figure comes with accessories taken directly from the comics. Window box packaging. It sure would suit those 12" Inch collectors who has been collecting since the old Marvel Icons with the like of Captain America, Wolverine, Beast, Spider-Man, Venom, Thor, Hulk & Iron Man, Just make sure you got plenty of room.
Price for these sweet looking figures are going for around US107.96 (Estimated around BND159.78) Shipping and available date is on this 2nd Quarter of 2009.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Batman - The Brave and The Bold - Episode 6 - Enter the Outsiders

Batman BnB continues this week as the take on the Outsiders, featuring the oldskool cool cat, The Wildcat. The show re-tells you how the relationship between Batman and Wildcat. As time is the number one enemy of the essence for all superhero, Wildcat still thinks that he could take on the much younger and eager Outsiders. The naive little group formed in this series by Black Lightning, Katana & Rex Mason aka Element Man or Metamorpho. Which was a group that was mis-lead by Slug.
Here's a little sneak preview of this week's action on Batman : The Brave and The Bold - Enter The Outsiders!
Here's a little sneak preview of this week's action on Batman : The Brave and The Bold - Enter The Outsiders!
For The Classic Heart

Time for another classic action figures re-make, DC Direct continues this exciting new action figure line THE HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE Series 2 Figure Set. DC Direct presents figures to add to the ongoing line that spans the history of the DC Universe, as presented by artist George Pérez in the classic book The History of the DC Universe!
The set which includes , Aquaman, The Flash, Black Lightning and Creeper. Each figures stands tall as 6.75 Inch. Each figure features multiple points of articulation and a base. 4-color clamshell blister card packaging. Planned to include more characters than any DC Direct line ever, The History of the DC Universe will help fulfill the requests for many fan favorite characters.
Figures available in 3rd quarter of 2009, going price is around US55.99 (Estimated around BND 87.34)
The set which includes , Aquaman, The Flash, Black Lightning and Creeper. Each figures stands tall as 6.75 Inch. Each figure features multiple points of articulation and a base. 4-color clamshell blister card packaging. Planned to include more characters than any DC Direct line ever, The History of the DC Universe will help fulfill the requests for many fan favorite characters.
Figures available in 3rd quarter of 2009, going price is around US55.99 (Estimated around BND 87.34)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Revenge is Coming

Alright, another update for Transformers fans, DreamWorks Pictures has updated the official website for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen with the new poster image.We assume the site will be updated again during the Super Bowl after the first footage is revealed.
Coming to conventional theaters and IMAX on June 26, the Michael Bay-directed sequel stars Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Kevin Dunn, Julie White, John Benjamin Hickey, Ramon Rodriguez, Isabel Lucas and John Turturro.
The official teaser poster for Michael Bay's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was revealed on Thursday, but a user at the Transformers Live Action Blog enhanced the image to where you can see quite a bit more!
Coming to conventional theaters and IMAX on June 26, the Michael Bay-directed sequel stars Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Kevin Dunn, Julie White, John Benjamin Hickey, Ramon Rodriguez, Isabel Lucas and John Turturro.
The official teaser poster for Michael Bay's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was revealed on Thursday, but a user at the Transformers Live Action Blog enhanced the image to where you can see quite a bit more!
Bush Seeks Advice: Spider-Man (The Daily Buzz)
I'll post more of these funny series soon...meanwhile go ahead and see what the president does when he meets Superheroes.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Wolverine & The X-Men Airtime
The second new animated series of 2008 for Marvel airs in Canada and proves to be a hit! Wolverine and the X-Men focuses on Wolverine as he tries to rebuild the team after a year of not speaking to each other. There is great writing, great animation, and great action!
US and UK fans get a few feathers ruffled when Wolverine and the X-Men airs on Latin American networks in August and Canadian networks in September and word is the US and the UK won't get the series until 2009.
Canadian network YTV will continue to air new episodes starting January 3rd; Another Canadian network, Teletoon, will begin airing season one starting January 11th; Wolverine and the X-Men will finally come to the US network, Nicktoons, starting January 23rd.
I hope this helps Lobo. =)
US and UK fans get a few feathers ruffled when Wolverine and the X-Men airs on Latin American networks in August and Canadian networks in September and word is the US and the UK won't get the series until 2009.
Canadian network YTV will continue to air new episodes starting January 3rd; Another Canadian network, Teletoon, will begin airing season one starting January 11th; Wolverine and the X-Men will finally come to the US network, Nicktoons, starting January 23rd.
I hope this helps Lobo. =)
A Little Bit of Magic
Some of you might have heard of Adam Hughes or just simply got lost of how hot the women in DC Comics was drawn and lets you forget who is the artist, because there were drawn to a perfection. But for those who aren't too sure who Adam Hughes is, 3 words for the man, A Brilliant Artist.
Sexy seductive sorceress Zatanna Zatara casts a spell on the DC Universe as she becomes the second Adam Hughes Cover Girl to appear as a stunning statue. With a pose taken directly from the cover of CATWOMAN #58, this hand-painted, cold-cast porcelain statue measures approximately 10” tall (from top of hat to bottom of base) x 4.5” wide x 4.5” deep, includes a 4-color Certificate of Authenticity and is packaged in a 4-color box.
This magical babe will only be available in August 2009, Price going for US 84.99 (Estimated around BND 125.78)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Wonder Woman On Demand
On the mystical island of Themyscira, a proud, strong warrior race of Amazon women lives in a utopian civilization shielded from the corrupt world of man. But a betrayal within the Amazon sisterhood leads to the escape of Ares, the God of War, and Amazon Princess Diana must capture him before he unleashes global chaos and destruction. With the aid of cocky fighter pilot Steve Trevor, Diana tracks Ares to the United States for a battle unlike any humankind has ever faced. A fabulous voice cast – Keri Russell, Nathan Fillion, Alfred Molina, Virginia Madsen, Oliver Platt, Rosario Dawson and David McCallum – injects blood, thunder and passion into this epic tale of the princess who becomes the world’s favorite super heroine.
This hand-painted, cold-cast porcelain maquette of Wonder Woman is based on art from the highly anticipated Warner Home Video direct-to-DVD animated original movie Wonder Woman! Measuring approximately 9.25” tall x 3.75” wide x 4.25” deep (including the base), the maquette includes a 4-color Certificate of Authenticity and is packaged in a 4-color box. Limited Edition of 4000!

This hand-painted, cold-cast porcelain maquette of Wonder Woman is based on art from the highly anticipated Warner Home Video direct-to-DVD animated original movie Wonder Woman! Measuring approximately 9.25” tall x 3.75” wide x 4.25” deep (including the base), the maquette includes a 4-color Certificate of Authenticity and is packaged in a 4-color box. Limited Edition of 4000!

Shazam! No More...?

So there goes Shazam, back into the books....for now. Will keep an eye out for more updates on this project. So until then...
Monday, January 5, 2009
Oooh Hello!

A KOTOBUKIYA Japanese import! From the pages of the X-Men comes the powerful and gorgeous mutant ROGUE, the first in an exciting new series of Marvel Comics Superheroines presented in the Japanese Bishoujo (pretty girl) style. This original design has been specially created by the incomparable illustrator Shunya Yamashita.
Fans should be familiar with Yamashita-sensei's style as Japan's leading Bishoujo artist, from his art books, video game work, as well as multiple figural collaborations with Kotobukiya.
The hot and sizzling Rogue is dressed in her iconic green and yellow skin-tight X-Men costume, which highlights her voluptuous curves - as well as keeping her covered to avoid absorbing the powers and memories of others who come into contact with her skin. She stands atop a stylish, minimalist white base, one leg perched seductively to accent her shapely leg. The mutant's long hair floats behind her as she raises one hand to her beautiful Bishoujo-styled face.
Masterfully sculpted by Koei Matsumoto, Rogue stands 7 3/5 inches tall (1/8 scale). Sold in an attractive window box and constructed of high-quality PVC and ABS plastics, the mutant is just the first in this amazing new line. Watch for more Bishoujo Statues from the women of the Marvel Universe to come!
This sexy power sucking mutant vixen is going for USD 53.99 (Estimated around BND 78.82), available only on 2nd quarter of 2009.
Marvel Select Wolverine "Origins" Action Figure

Looks like it's going to be a Wolverine year coming towards us. Not only that his Origins Movie is coming out this year, but also mainly, his action figures. Now this is not your regular mass-market stuff, this is a Diamond Select Release! (That means that there won't be any sloppy paint job on it)
Bring home the star of this year's blockbuster X-Men Origins: Wolverine with this astonishing Marvel Select Movie Wolverine action figure! Featuring the likeness of movie-star Hugh Jackman, this six-inch berserker also features a deluxe base and over 14 points of articulation.
Retail price is going for USD16.99 (Estimated around BND24.80 excluding shipping) So watch out for this figure, for those who haven't got any Wolverine figure on their shelves, this one could be yours to begin with.
Bring home the star of this year's blockbuster X-Men Origins: Wolverine with this astonishing Marvel Select Movie Wolverine action figure! Featuring the likeness of movie-star Hugh Jackman, this six-inch berserker also features a deluxe base and over 14 points of articulation.
Retail price is going for USD16.99 (Estimated around BND24.80 excluding shipping) So watch out for this figure, for those who haven't got any Wolverine figure on their shelves, this one could be yours to begin with.
We Are Legion
Superman fans can now see the "Legion" trailer for the next upcoming show on the one of the most celebrated tv show - "Smallville". With the holidays season over, we can get back to know that our weekly shows are slowly coming back. This one in particular had previously left us with a huge cliff-hanger right before they went on a break during the X-Mas holidays.
So sit back and enjoy the trailer, watch out for it, Smallville commence back to normal on the 14th of January, that's right, next week from now.
"Somebody saveeee meeee....."
So sit back and enjoy the trailer, watch out for it, Smallville commence back to normal on the 14th of January, that's right, next week from now.
"Somebody saveeee meeee....."
New Wolverine Origins Photo

Today im posting up the picture that was release earlier by Entertainment Weekly. With more and more hype about the next Marvel movie origins, namely the much anticipated "Wolverine", probably the most famous X-Men there is. Fans can now see some pictures online.
Plot Summary: Leading up to the events of "X-Men," "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" tells the story of Wolverine's epically violent and romantic past, his complex relationship with Victor Creed, and the ominous Weapon X program. Along the way, Wolverine encounters many mutants, both familiar and new, including surprise appearances by several legends of the X-Men universe.
Plot Summary: Leading up to the events of "X-Men," "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" tells the story of Wolverine's epically violent and romantic past, his complex relationship with Victor Creed, and the ominous Weapon X program. Along the way, Wolverine encounters many mutants, both familiar and new, including surprise appearances by several legends of the X-Men universe.
Women of the DC Universe Supergirl Bust

Terry Dodson adds his vision of Supergirl to the popular WOMEN OF THE DC UNIVERSE bust line! Kara Zor-El, the classic Supergirl, shows her strength by bending a steel bar, while perched atop a Metropolis inspired base. The base complements both the previous Supergirl bust from the Adam Hughes’ bust line, as well as the upcoming Superman bust from the new HEROES OF THE DC UNIVERSE line! Price for this amazing busts going for USD 46.75 (Estimated around BND 68.25).
Sweet, No?
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Bowen Designs Daredevil Statue

All Red Daredevil rejoice, but this time it comes from the Man without Fear himself, The Daredevil. For super-fans who collects busts or statues should really pay attention to this one in particular.
It's a Bowen designs statue of Daredevil, and it stands 15 Inch tall, yes it does not have flashy led lights on it, but however it is beautifully sculpted by those cool guys at Bowen Designs. The Statue comes with a Gargoyle base that boost the whole statue to a whooping 18"Inch tall.
The Man without fear statue will only be available during 3rd quarter of 2009. Price of the item is U$175.00 (Around BND$255.50)
It's a Bowen designs statue of Daredevil, and it stands 15 Inch tall, yes it does not have flashy led lights on it, but however it is beautifully sculpted by those cool guys at Bowen Designs. The Statue comes with a Gargoyle base that boost the whole statue to a whooping 18"Inch tall.
The Man without fear statue will only be available during 3rd quarter of 2009. Price of the item is U$175.00 (Around BND$255.50)
Batman The Brave & The Bold

Here's one of our new addition to this blog based on a weekly schedule, We'll be bringing some review of most on going animated series such as Batman: The Brave and The Bold, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Wolverine & The X-Men, and hopefully many more to come this year.
First up, we'll be taking you into the the world's best detective files, namely Batman :The Brave and The Bold. The show has been running since November 2008. This however is currently the only DC Comic Universe animated series for 2009. Legion of Superheroes ended their Series with only 2 season, hopefully with this new take on Batman and Other DC Superheroes, we hope this will have a positive feedback on fans around the globe. It has only been a few weeks since we have seen new episodes of Batman: the Brave and the Bold, due to the holidays of course, so check out the information stated below to get up to speed with us:
BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD Premiered on Friday, November 14, 7:30 p.m.
Cartoon Network and Warner Bros. Animation present the latest interpretation of the classic Batman franchise, premiering Friday, Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m. (ET/PT). The Caped Crusader is teamed up with heroes from across the DC Universe, delivering nonstop action and adventure with a touch of comic relief. Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Aquaman and countless others will get a chance to uphold justice alongside Batman. Though still based in Gotham City, Batman will frequently find himself outside city limits, facing situations that are both unfamiliar and exhilarating. With formidable foes around every corner, Batman will still rely on his stealth, resourcefulness and limitless supply of cool gadgets to bring justice home.

First up, we'll be taking you into the the world's best detective files, namely Batman :The Brave and The Bold. The show has been running since November 2008. This however is currently the only DC Comic Universe animated series for 2009. Legion of Superheroes ended their Series with only 2 season, hopefully with this new take on Batman and Other DC Superheroes, we hope this will have a positive feedback on fans around the globe. It has only been a few weeks since we have seen new episodes of Batman: the Brave and the Bold, due to the holidays of course, so check out the information stated below to get up to speed with us:
BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD Premiered on Friday, November 14, 7:30 p.m.
Cartoon Network and Warner Bros. Animation present the latest interpretation of the classic Batman franchise, premiering Friday, Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m. (ET/PT). The Caped Crusader is teamed up with heroes from across the DC Universe, delivering nonstop action and adventure with a touch of comic relief. Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Aquaman and countless others will get a chance to uphold justice alongside Batman. Though still based in Gotham City, Batman will frequently find himself outside city limits, facing situations that are both unfamiliar and exhilarating. With formidable foes around every corner, Batman will still rely on his stealth, resourcefulness and limitless supply of cool gadgets to bring justice home.
Here's a few photo's taken from Batman :B&B's first few episodes.

BATMAN: B&B - SOE02 - Terror on Dinosaur Island

BATMAN: B&B - SOE05 -Day of the Dark Knight
So there you go, but for this week review, Episode 5 was only released last night have a look at the clip below, for those who are just recently started or wanting to start watching the show, should have a little taste of preview of what the show look like.
WARNING! Spoiler Alert.
Batman: The Brave & The Bold - SOE05 -Day of the Dark Knight
This week, the show started with Batman being on Oa, First appearances made was our bad mouthing Green Guardian, Guy Gardner & Also Kilowog, But they were not the main featuring characters in this week's show, this week Batman will work along side with The Green Arrow himself & also check this, Merlin the Wizard. This week they travel to a distant back in time to fight for justice to help the great wizard to release the magical sword, Excalibur. Batman and The Green Arrow will have a face off with Etrigan The Demon...Oooo how's that for a good weekend show?
First Look Into Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen
Alright, with 2009 is here now, get ready to "Transform and Roll Out!", coz here's one of this year's most anticipated sequel, Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen.
Today we're posting some new official photos taken from Empire Magazine & USA Today, Have a look at these first ever photo's that took place at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico that stood in for much of a battle that will take place in Cairo, Egypt in the movie.
This much anticipated sequel will star most original movie actors & actresses like Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Isabel Lucas, Rainn Wilson and Jennifer Alden, This summer blockbuster movie will be released on June 26, 2009.
Just today we were talking about how would the Toy line for Transformers 2 will look like, but once we get a chance to see it, we'll gladly share it with everyone, so until then, hope you'll enjoy the pics , drool & stay tune for more.

Today we're posting some new official photos taken from Empire Magazine & USA Today, Have a look at these first ever photo's that took place at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico that stood in for much of a battle that will take place in Cairo, Egypt in the movie.
This much anticipated sequel will star most original movie actors & actresses like Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Isabel Lucas, Rainn Wilson and Jennifer Alden, This summer blockbuster movie will be released on June 26, 2009.
Just today we were talking about how would the Toy line for Transformers 2 will look like, but once we get a chance to see it, we'll gladly share it with everyone, so until then, hope you'll enjoy the pics , drool & stay tune for more.

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Embrace Change in 2009

A Happy New Year to all our readers, GL and I had just returned from our action figure trip to Kota Kinabalu- Sabah, Malaysia. It was quite an interesting trip overall, where end of year sales, people running around whether it was in Giant superstore buying groceries, people going in and out of 1Borneo shopping for labels like CK, Guess, Padini and etc. But there were only two guys focusing on one thing, Action Figures!!
We went on a typical hunt of ours only on a bigger scale such as KK. There only a few places for action figure collectors. We recommend you dropby on some of the places we recommend. But what we don't recommend is that, don't go during the end of the year, especially after Chrismas, the shelves looked pretty empty for Marvel and DC figures in most stores. But hey, KK is just a 25 min flight if you want to dropby over the weekend.
When in KK, we stayed in 1Borneo, seemed like the logical place to stay, since you could find Toys'R'us there. In Toys R Us, you'll probbably find all the Star Wars figures there, ranging from Light Sabers from the new animated cartoon series: The Clone Wars. From the epic summer blockbuster movies, you'll still get to see The Dark Knight Figures, A Few Iron Man figures and even less Hulk Figures. What was interesting to see was the Transformers Animated Lines, those were still in high stocked. Actually those were the first things that we saw when coming into the store.
What to expect in Toys'R'Us:
1 - Transformers Animated Figurines
2 - The Dark Knight Figures
3 - Transformers Classic Universe
4 - Starwars : The Clone Wars Figures
5 - Iron Man Movie Figures
6 - Hulk Movie Figures
7 - Transformers Crossovers Marvels Figurines
ToyCity, 1BORNEO
Ok, lets move on from Toys 'R' Us, now when in 1Borneo, just go to the centre atrium of it, then on the 1st floor, you'll run into another awesome shop that would increased your hope for ever finding non-mass market stuffs. In Toycity, you'll be entering like a kiddy toy stop, with all the remote controlled cars and helicopters etc. Here also, suprisingly had very few left. We found that they have the Hulk Legends, Build-A-Figure for Fin Fang Foom, Then one other interesting lines are probbably the DC Universe Build-A-Figure - Rex Mason The Element Man figure, Of Course we only found out that in Malaysia or Asia, Mattel had some problem bringing in the Orion figure, which is crucial for any build-a-figure collector. Bummer. But there are more...
What to expect in Toycity:
1- Hulk Legends Figures - She-Hulk, The End Hulk, Wendigo, Skarr Son of Hulk
2- DC Universe - Rex Mason build-a-figure line
3- Transformers Classic Universe
4- Marvel Legends - Two Box Set - Mr.Fantastic & Thing
5 - Marvel Unleashed - Iron Man
6 - Starwars : The Clone Wars figures
7 - The Spectacular Spider-Man figures
After we've exhausted running around 1Borneo, we decided to check out the city-scene. So take a shuttle (Free-Ride) head to downtown at Centrepoint. On the 3rd floor, there's a shop called Megatoys. Megatoys brings to you a wide range, i don't think i could remember them all, but i know what i saw. It's just a saw shop, half of the shop is an IT shop, half of it is a Action Figure shop, Just watch out for boot-legged stuff there. Best thing is, DC Direct stuff is here.
What to expect from Megatoys:
1 - Marvel Legends Lines - Various figures only like, Ultimate Captain America, Nightcrawler, Vengence, Sentry, Deathlock etc
2 - Spawn Figurines
3 - World of WarCraft collectible figures by McFarlane
4 - Metal Gear Solid Figures - Sons of Liberty line.
5 - Transformers Movie lines
6 - Misc DC Direct action figures
7 - Iron Man Movie Lines
8 - Classic X-Men figures (Not sure if it was Legit tho)
Ok, typically when Bruneians drive to KK, they won't be heading to the airport, but for those who are flying there, your in luck. I may have forgotten to look out for the shops name, but you wont miss this one, its the only shop that you'll check out after checking in your bags. Next to it is a fish market shop. Inside this shop you'll see Perfumes and Chocolates, only at the further end, you'll get to see some shelved Toy section. Now GL spotted a very rare figure there, wished he should've gotten it, However i was looking at something different. What GL saw was a Iron Suit Spider-Man there for sale, which is very rare now. What i was oogling about was the TFA figures that they've got, Sentinel Prime & TFA Leader Class, Ultra Magnus. Oooh imagined if we had gotten those figures...
What to expect in the Unknown Shop, Airport:
1 - Transformers Animated
2 - The Spectacular Spider-Man Figures
In Conclusion
Ok, That was fun, but now back to reality where we work harder for our money just so we can do this again. But in conclusion, if you've asked me which collectors would have enjoyed this trip, i would have to say Transformers collectors overall should have a great time looking for figures, second would be the Starwars fanatics. Thirdly, Marvel and DC guys, well with what's left of it though.
So there you have it guys, hoped this has been a great report for you all, we are now in the works for another trip, we'll keep everyone notified on that one.
Happy New Year!
We went on a typical hunt of ours only on a bigger scale such as KK. There only a few places for action figure collectors. We recommend you dropby on some of the places we recommend. But what we don't recommend is that, don't go during the end of the year, especially after Chrismas, the shelves looked pretty empty for Marvel and DC figures in most stores. But hey, KK is just a 25 min flight if you want to dropby over the weekend.
When in KK, we stayed in 1Borneo, seemed like the logical place to stay, since you could find Toys'R'us there. In Toys R Us, you'll probbably find all the Star Wars figures there, ranging from Light Sabers from the new animated cartoon series: The Clone Wars. From the epic summer blockbuster movies, you'll still get to see The Dark Knight Figures, A Few Iron Man figures and even less Hulk Figures. What was interesting to see was the Transformers Animated Lines, those were still in high stocked. Actually those were the first things that we saw when coming into the store.
What to expect in Toys'R'Us:
1 - Transformers Animated Figurines
2 - The Dark Knight Figures
3 - Transformers Classic Universe
4 - Starwars : The Clone Wars Figures
5 - Iron Man Movie Figures
6 - Hulk Movie Figures
7 - Transformers Crossovers Marvels Figurines
ToyCity, 1BORNEO
Ok, lets move on from Toys 'R' Us, now when in 1Borneo, just go to the centre atrium of it, then on the 1st floor, you'll run into another awesome shop that would increased your hope for ever finding non-mass market stuffs. In Toycity, you'll be entering like a kiddy toy stop, with all the remote controlled cars and helicopters etc. Here also, suprisingly had very few left. We found that they have the Hulk Legends, Build-A-Figure for Fin Fang Foom, Then one other interesting lines are probbably the DC Universe Build-A-Figure - Rex Mason The Element Man figure, Of Course we only found out that in Malaysia or Asia, Mattel had some problem bringing in the Orion figure, which is crucial for any build-a-figure collector. Bummer. But there are more...
What to expect in Toycity:
1- Hulk Legends Figures - She-Hulk, The End Hulk, Wendigo, Skarr Son of Hulk
2- DC Universe - Rex Mason build-a-figure line
3- Transformers Classic Universe
4- Marvel Legends - Two Box Set - Mr.Fantastic & Thing
5 - Marvel Unleashed - Iron Man
6 - Starwars : The Clone Wars figures
7 - The Spectacular Spider-Man figures
After we've exhausted running around 1Borneo, we decided to check out the city-scene. So take a shuttle (Free-Ride) head to downtown at Centrepoint. On the 3rd floor, there's a shop called Megatoys. Megatoys brings to you a wide range, i don't think i could remember them all, but i know what i saw. It's just a saw shop, half of the shop is an IT shop, half of it is a Action Figure shop, Just watch out for boot-legged stuff there. Best thing is, DC Direct stuff is here.
What to expect from Megatoys:
1 - Marvel Legends Lines - Various figures only like, Ultimate Captain America, Nightcrawler, Vengence, Sentry, Deathlock etc
2 - Spawn Figurines
3 - World of WarCraft collectible figures by McFarlane
4 - Metal Gear Solid Figures - Sons of Liberty line.
5 - Transformers Movie lines
6 - Misc DC Direct action figures
7 - Iron Man Movie Lines
8 - Classic X-Men figures (Not sure if it was Legit tho)
Ok, typically when Bruneians drive to KK, they won't be heading to the airport, but for those who are flying there, your in luck. I may have forgotten to look out for the shops name, but you wont miss this one, its the only shop that you'll check out after checking in your bags. Next to it is a fish market shop. Inside this shop you'll see Perfumes and Chocolates, only at the further end, you'll get to see some shelved Toy section. Now GL spotted a very rare figure there, wished he should've gotten it, However i was looking at something different. What GL saw was a Iron Suit Spider-Man there for sale, which is very rare now. What i was oogling about was the TFA figures that they've got, Sentinel Prime & TFA Leader Class, Ultra Magnus. Oooh imagined if we had gotten those figures...
What to expect in the Unknown Shop, Airport:
1 - Transformers Animated
2 - The Spectacular Spider-Man Figures
In Conclusion
Ok, That was fun, but now back to reality where we work harder for our money just so we can do this again. But in conclusion, if you've asked me which collectors would have enjoyed this trip, i would have to say Transformers collectors overall should have a great time looking for figures, second would be the Starwars fanatics. Thirdly, Marvel and DC guys, well with what's left of it though.
So there you have it guys, hoped this has been a great report for you all, we are now in the works for another trip, we'll keep everyone notified on that one.
Happy New Year!
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