Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Enter Asgard

Written by Kal-El

Ever wondered what lies at the end of the Rainbow trail? Funnily enough, based on the mainstream of Marvel Comics universe, by crossing this Rainbow Bridge, by crossing the Bifrost, from here on, from Earth, we could reach Asgard, The Home of the Gods, Asgard is popularly known or heard of from their very own Reigning Superhero, The God of Thunder, Thor. Unfortunately, today we won't be focusing it on the Mighty god of Thunder, But solely on Asgard.

Asgard which featured all the time in the adventures of Thor. Asgard of Norse mythology only exists in another dimension called Earth-616. Based on the mythology, Asgard is consists of Nine Worlds and Six different races. On the image above, which I’ve founded, I am quite unsure where the other countries did came from, but all I could share is based on facts written on the world of Marvel.

The Asgardian dimension contains several distinct areas which its inhabitants refer to as "The Nine Worlds". Asgard, home of the Asgardians. Valhalla is a realm of Asgard. It is also known as the land of the honored dead. Vanaheim is the home of the Vanir who is the sister race of the Asgardians. Alfheim is the home of the Light Elves. Nidavellir is the home of the Dwarves. Midgard is more commonly known as Earth and is the home of the Humans. Jotunheim is the home of the Giants. Svartalfheim is the home of the Dark Elves. Hel is the realm of the dead who are neither honored nor dishonored. It is ruled by Hela. Niffleheim is the realm of the dishonored dead. Muspelheim is the home of the Demons. It was ruled by Surtur before he disappeared.

The Six Races of Asgard:

Asgardians: Known Asgardians are Thor, Odin, Loki, Hermod, Valkyrie.
Giants: Known Giants live in Jotunheim, Skurge (The Executioner).
Dwarves: Which only lives in Nidavellir.
Elves: The Light Elves live in Alfheim and the Dark Elves live in
Trolls: The Trolls live in scattered settlements throughout Asgard,Vanaheim,
Svartalfheim and Jotunheim.
Demons: Lastly the Demons live in Muspelheim.

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