Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Stark Tower

Written by Kal-El

We all know that Tony Stark is Iron Man, but sometimes we do forget that this multi billionaire also owns a lot of interesting assets, one of which involves The Avengers Headquarters, today on our info piece, we will jump into the Stark Tower.

It is a high rised building, only to be named after its owner Tony Stark; it was constructed believe it or not, not to long ago, 2005, and has serves as the headquarters of the Marvel's elusive team, The New Avengers.

Built over a period of four years, it is an example of modern architecture. The top three floors were to be Stark's new home, but when the new Avengers were founded, he gave it to the team as a gift, to be their home when they needed it, and to be a meeting place and base of operations. Just like the Avengers Mansion Stark Tower is suited with state-of-the-art technology and an extravagant interior, including hanging portraits in memory of the former Avengers cover art.

When the team came together in this place, his well-known butler, Edwin Jarvis was welcomed back to his longtime position as caretaker for the team. In the wake of the passing of the Superhuman Registration Act, Stark Tower acted as the base of operations for the government task force led by Iron Man and charged with enforcing the Act.

The place where it stands now was the former site of The Sentry's Watchtower before he erased the entire world's memory of him. When the Sentry recovered from his "mental virus", the Watchtower installed itself atop Stark Tower, convincing Tony Stark that it was fate that really brought them together.

Heroes now dine and wine in a great big sanctuary with heavy artillery under their pillow.

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