Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Doomsday Theory

[Doomsday: a bad, bad man]
Written by GL

Last week was the world premiere of Superman Doomsday, coming only this September. The title is the starting point of a planned line of animated projects, each title is a theatrical story arc directly from classic DC story-lines. This means it'll be pretty awesome.

Superman Doomsday, for people who don't know, will be an adaptation of the comic plot-lines of 'Death of Superman' to 'A World Without Superman' up until the return of our favorite Man of Steel. This means it'll be a great story line and it'll be pretty awesome.

[Adam Baldwin: the voice of Superman]

Voicing the Man of Steel in Superman Doomsday is Adam Baldwin. James Marsters will be voicing Luthor.

Superman Doomsday will be featuring some of Superman's best foes: We start with Lex Luthor. This version of Luthor is going to be new and heartlessly mean and scary Then you have Doomsday, the killing machine. The fight between Superman and Doomsday is, of course, the highest point of the whole show. The show will also focus on the more complex relationship between Lois Lane (voiced by Anne Heche) and Superman.

[The New Frontier: promo poster]

The next project in the new DC Universe series is Justice League: The New Frontier; to be released in 2008. It's an adaptation of the 2003 comic series about the origins of DC's greatest heroes set in the late 1950s. This should be pretty awesome.

[David Boreanaz: the voice of Green Lantern]

The casting stands at Kyle MacLachlan as Superman, Lucy Lawless as Wonder Woman, Jeremy Sisto as Batman, Neil Patrick Harris as The Flash, and David Boreanaz as Hal Jordan / Green Lantern.

The third film in the series has been confirmed as Teen Titans: The Judas Contract. Details on this are soon to come. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a totally awesome (how many times have I said that already?) lineup of animated shows to purchase and keep. I can't wait.

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