Monday, July 9, 2007

Joker's Real Name is...

Written by Kal-El

With Monday out of the way, i'm glad to finally got around to start blogging again, my sincere apologies for not updating the blog as of lately, I've been lazing around the house as i was on leave the whole of last week.

Anyways, let's get back to business here, im here to present the results for The Joker's Real Name, and unfortunately we don't know what his real name is, Also my apologies for the spelling mistake for Jake Napier, its supposed to be "Jack Napier", this was taken from Tim Burton's Batman back in 1989, played by Jack Nicholson. We've done our work into looking at it, and apparently his name was "Unknown". As for "Joseph Kerr", we managed to pick this one up, but doesnt have a valid proof that this is Joker's real name,and "The Red Hood" is also one of his notetable aliases where the Joker is also known as, but this is after he turned to be the Joker already, that's why we decided to put this up, and if anyone knows his real name, do share it with us. Thanks for voting. Keep it up you cool guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joker is only given a real name in the animated series where he is referred to as Jack Napier, which is also the name used in the 89 Batman. In the comics, the Joker's real name is only known as Jack.