Monday, October 29, 2007

Remember Millar For The Sequel?

[Mark Millar: so that's what he looks like]
Written by GL

Just a few days ago, Kal-El mentioned that Mark Millar was serious about writing the story for the Superman Returns sequel. The official news now is that that Warner Bros. has thrown out the idea. Why, I hear you ask?

Here's what Mark Millar had to report (and you'll be surprised to find why he was rejected for this project:

"I had a massive three-picture epic in mind, cribbed from notes I've been putting together for the last five years for a Superman comic-book revamp and the people I spoke to absolutely loved it. Everyone said this was very, very exciting, but...

Well, sadly, I'm a Marvel guy and we were surprised to find out that WB couldn't hire me for a DC property. They were incredibly nice and superbly apologetic about it, but when they discussed the matter seriously DC explained just how associated I am with Marvel Comics at the moment and it's against company policy to hire the competition. It's absolutely nothing personal. I spoke to some friends at DC and they explained this has happened with a couple of big Marvel writers in the last couple of years and I absolutely respect that.

So no Millar-penned Superman movie at this stage, I'm afraid. In the meantime, I'm keeping my 200 pages of notes and sketches on a slow boil, just in case. They're talking to a couple of guys with a better screen-writing track record and, like the rest of you, I'll keep my fingers crossed that this sequel to Bryan's first picture all works out great.

Thanks again for all the support and backing for my involvement in this project. It stunned me that the WB people had seen this and it absolutely factored in how quickly all those doors opened for me."

Interesting development, super-friends.

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