Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Thor Movie Update

["Move Over Ir0n Man, Im Next!"]

Written by Kal-El

Ok, What happened with Thor? Curious to find out? Read on about this article by Empire News.

Judging by his win at the Sony Ericsson Empire Awards, Stardust director Matthew Vaughn is pretty adept at the whole fantasy thing, so why the hell isn’t he hard at work at his long-mooted adaptation of Marvel’s none-more-Norse superhero, Thor? The answer, it seems, lays in the laps of the comic book gods.

“We’re in a holding pattern at the moment,” he said. “It’s up to Marvel, they have to decide if they want to make the movie and then we take it from there.”

“Holding pattern” may well be a cleverly masked way of describing “development hell” but Vaughn, it seems, still has big ideas for Odin’s hammer-wielding son.

“Well, the main role is going to be played by someone totally unknown,” he said. “It can’t be a star, it’s got to be someone totally unknown.”

Thor the comic book is well known for his overly lyrical dialogue and slightly ridiculous garb, which works well on the page but how will it translate to the big screen?

“I think you have to respect that it is comic book and silly to be frank, so you have to combine that with a modern style and hopefully come up with something fresh. I think we can come up with something special.”

More on Thor as it develops, C'Mon Marvel People! Make it Happen! :)

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