Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Super Summer

There are few things cooler than a hot actress playing a super-hero; and one of things would be if a hot actress voiced for a super-hero.

Summer Glau (from the defunct Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Serenity and Firefly) will play the voice of Supergirl in Warner Premiere's animated Superman/Batman: Apocalypse, coming to Blu-ray and DVD on September 28.

In the film, the latest in a Warner Bros.-produced series based on popular DC Comics stories, Summer plays Superman's cousin Kara, a mysterious survivor of the doomed planet Krypton who shows up on Earth.

The best news of all is that Tim Daly and Kevin Conroy will be reprising their roles as Superman and Batman, respectively, from the characters' animated series in the '90s and a previous DC movie, last year's Superman/Batman: Public Enemies.

Apocalypse is based on the 2004 comic book arc, written by Jeph Loeb, which reintroduced Supergirl into the DC Comics universe. Unlike the rocket that brought her cousin to Earth, Kara's pod was delayed in its arrival, leaving her in suspended animation until landing. When she wakes up she is not terribly happy to learn that Earth's yellow sun gives her powers far beyond those of mortal women.

If you've loved the DC animated productions so far, you'd expect nothing less with this second installment of the Superman/Batman storyline - especially when you know Bruce Timm is involved.

*incidentally, check out Summer Glau's special appearance in the ever-cool, ever-geeky past season of The Big Bang Theory.

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